Monday, December 17, 2018

The Funniest Road Signs

On November 20, 1923, Kentucky-born Garrett Morgan patented the traffic signal system, which he designed after witnessing a fatal accident between an automobile and a horse and carriage. It started as a T-shaped pole with three positions signaling three actions: go, stop, and all-stop. He later sold the patent to General Electric for $40,000.

What’s the Point?

This road sign is hilarious purely because there is absolutely no point to it – it’s a complete waste of materials, time, and money on behalf of the people or company that posted it, and drivers completely waste their time – and concentration – reading it. But you just have to laugh at the ridiculousness of the fact a sign is being used to say the same sign is not in use!

This Is a Stop Sign

Some road signs are not only extremely self-explanatory; they are also recognized throughout the world. A perfect example of this is the “Stop” sign, which is always big and bright red, featuring (of course) the word “Stop.” The person who posted this particular sign, however, felt it necessary to explain its meaning further by placing an additional sign underneath. Thanks for the extra clarification – we never would have known, otherwise!

Jurassic Road

This will make you laugh if you drive past it because everyone knows that dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. It surely can’t be right, can it? Or maybe that laugh will be a nervous one – what if they know something we don’t? Either way, a Brontosaurus wandering near the road would be very hard to miss!

Sign Hacker

Whoever hacked this sign clearly has a great sense of humor – they’ve entirely ignored whatever message they were meant to type and have gone for this amusing – although glaringly obvious – statement instead. Hopefully, they didn’t sacrifice any critical information that the drivers needed to see – although at least it would have given them a few giggles!

Breaking the Rules

Is there a more pointless sign than this one?! If there’s a rule that states no signs are allowed at a particular intersection, you’d think the best – and simplest – thing to do would be to keep the area sign-free. Apparently not in this location, where someone felt it necessary to post this sign, which serves absolutely no purpose to passing drivers. Nevertheless, it’s probably amused them, which is better than nothing on a daily commute!

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