Saturday, December 8, 2018

Does CBD Really Help With Pain?

The frenzy over CBD (also known as cannabinoid, the non-psychoactive component found in a cannabis plant) isn’t slowing down. Canada just legalized the use of recreational cannabis, including CBD, allowing residents to try CBD products to improve issues like anxiety, sexual performance and poor sleep. Many wellness centers are also jumping on board, using products like CBD oil, arguably one of the most commonly used forms of CBD,  as a way to alleviate customers’ various ailments.

One of those issues? Muscle pain. Studies suggest CBD works as a pain reliever and may even help to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Anecdotally, people have credited CBD for helping them with their back pain. One of the main ways people do this is by using CBD oil in a massage.

How CBD Massages Work And What The Science Says

A CBD massage treatment typically involves CBD oil that is mixed with another carrier oil or cream before a massage therapist applies it to the skin. The practice is said to help multiple pain-related conditions.

“Receiving a massage with CBD oil can potentially be very beneficial to patients who are suffering from symptoms such as localized pain, arthritis or inflammation, and skin disorders like eczema or psoriasis,” said Dr. Tanny Raz, the director of medical business development at Apollo Cannabis Clinics, a medical cannabis research organization and treatment center in Toronto.

The practice may also be an aid for those living with chronic pain who struggle with sleep. Individuals with a pain-related condition often complain that their discomfort wakes them or prevents them from getting deep, quality sleep. Meanwhile, research shows that being well-rested can help people better deal with pain. Studies have found that CBD may increase the amount of sleep people get (based on self-reporting), and research also suggests CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory benefits.

That’s the good news. But here are the important caveats: Research shows there are many benefits to getting a massage, including reduced tension and pain relief, so there’s no definitive way to say it was the CBD component of my massage that alleviated my pain. Also, like all treatments and medicines, CBD oil and massages are not right for everybody. Some people report feeling nausea, irritability or fatigue when using these products (typically when they’re ingested). There’s always a chance you can have a skin reaction with topical treatments. It’s always a good idea to discuss any new health regimens with your health care provider.

Is Using CBD For Pain Safe, Or Even Legal?

CBD is becoming more widely available for purchase and in spas and massage therapy centers across the country. However, contradictory laws at the federal and state levels have contributed to some confusion about its legality, and CBD oil may be classed as illegal in some states. Additionally, many CBD products aren’t approved or tested by the Food and Drug Administration. If you’re worried, check the rules in your area to make sure everything’s OK before purchasing or proceeding.

When it comes to CBD oil massages specifically, experts say the treatment has no immediately known dangers associated with it (separate from any normal skin-related issues, reactions or irritations that may result from any other massage). 

“Since there is no known case of a cannabis overdose on record, cannabinoid therapy is in a league of its own when it comes to safety,” The World Health Organization states that there is no evidence of any public health-related problems or abuse or dependence potential associated with the use of pure CBD.

In a world of wacky wellness trends that don’t always do a lot of good, CBD massages stand out as among the more effective and relaxing techniques that are generally harmless for most people. That’s a fad I’m personally happy to adopt.

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