Friday, September 14, 2018

Are You Putting Your Toilet Paper On The Holder Properly?

Ladies and gentlemen, whether you want to hear it or not, the classic debate over how to put your toilet paper roll on its holder has been settled. Though you may think it's "personal preference," I'm telling you, it's not.

Believe it or not, Inc. tells us that this controversial convo "was allegedly the topic that generated the most letters to Dear Abby on a single subject." I can't even make that up

"The moment when a restroom user's hands are most likely to carry bacteria is when they reach for toilet paper," results of a study conducted at the University of Colorado, which (unsurprisingly) found "19 groups of bacteria on the doors, floors, faucet handles, soap dispensers, and toilets of 12 public restrooms in Colorado."

*Cringe* Picture it: you're in the bathroom and go to reach for the TP that's loose end is dangling under the roll. As you reach for it your fingers, hand, and subsequently the toilet paper, graze the wall behind it. Now imagine this happens to everyone who uses that same roll.

Additionally, when the toilet paper's "dangling under," you have to touch more of it than you would if, say, it were flipped the right way. Since not everyone's hands are clean, all the germs getting on you and the tissue you're about to wipe with is ... well, repulsive (especially in public restrooms). But don't worry! Lucky for you, changing your roll is a simple fix

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