Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What is a good summary of the entire series of Lost?

During my downtime I re-watched this all time popular series for things I had maybe missed the first time I watched Lost, if you have not ever watched Lost you can binge watch every season on Amazon Prime, but it is worth watching a second time too. I recommend this series

The show contains elements of supernatural and science fiction, and follows the survivors of a commercial jet airliner flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, after the plane crashes on a mysterious island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. The story is told in a heavily serialized manner.
First episode date: September 22, 2004
Final episode date: May 23, 2010
Writer: Abrams, J.J., Adam Horowitz
Genre: Drama

What really happened in lost series?
To put it simply: If you think the characters in Lost were "dead the whole time," you are wrong. ... They died in the plane crash of Oceanic Flight 815, and the Island doesn't actually exist,  it's just a representation of Purgatory where all of the characters are overcoming their personal demons after death.

Is Lost the greatest show ever?
Still, the creators should be happy with this latest accolade, as one episode of Lost has been voted the greatest TV episode of the century – and that's out of a list that included all the different forms of TV too, from reality to game show, drama to sci-fi. Which isn't bad going, really.

What happened to Walt in Lost?
He was eventually returned to his father in a prisoner exchange for Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and he and Michael left the Island on a motor boat. Since leaving the Island, Walt became estranged from his father and went to live with his grandmother in New York.

What happened to Claire on Lost?
Back in season four, Claire was taken away mysteriously by her dead(?) father, Christian, leaving her son Aaron behind, who was taken off the island by Kate as one of the Oceanic Six. Later, Locke (the real Locke… I think) met Christian and Claire inside Jacob's cabin, but something was certainly off about her.

How did everyone die in Lost?
To put it simply: If you think the characters in Lost were "dead the whole time," you are wrong,  are all dead. They died in the plane crash of Oceanic Flight 815, and the Island doesn't actually exist,  it's just a representation of Purgatory where all of the characters are overcoming their personal demons after death.

Does Sawyer die in Lost?
Sawyer will die. "I wish you had believed me," flash-sideways Jack says to Locke, the very same words Locke said to Jack in his original timeline suicide note, the very same thing island Jack could now say to Sawyer.

Does Locke die in Lost?
Locke is left for dead, but he wakes up days later. Locke contemplates suicide, but his faith is restored upon witnessing an apparition of Walt, who tells Locke that he's got "work to do".

What was the monster in Lost?
The Man in Black was a long-time inhabitant of the Island. He was once a normal man with dark hair and steely eyes, but an encounter with the Heart of the Island, brought on by his brother and enemy, changed him into the Smoke Monster, a living cloud of black smoke.

Are they all dead in Lost?
All season long, viewers see the characters rubbing shoulders with one another in LA, unaware of the events of the past five seasons. ... So, to clear up the confusion: in the flashsideways scenes, these characters are dead. But no, they were not dead all along after their plane crashed.

Does everyone die in Lost?
So when did everyone die on Lost?  Sayid dies midway through season six saving his friends from a bomb, and Sun and Jin die later in the same episode, drowning together in a sinking submarine. And Jack dies at the end of the series finale, after being stabbed by the Man in Black.

How many hours is the show lost?
Time Requirements: 90 hours (3.75 days). Each episode averages about 43 minutes, so if you clock 10 hour-days (600 minutes, or about 14 episodes) on Saturdays and Sundays, it'll only take up a cool 4.5 weekends, or nine days, of your life.

Is Lost worth watching?
The series is never as incredible as it was in the first season, and there are chunks of the second and third seasons that could be cut out without losing anything, in terms of the overall plot and character arcs. But, overall, it is definitely worth watching; in fact, I'd recommend watching it twice.

Who poisoned Michael on Lost?
Kate reluctantly admit the truth that she was the person in the marshal's custody. As the raft is hurried toward completion, Jack walks up to Sun (Yunjin Kim) and confronts her about the poisoning. Sun admits that she is the one responsible, explaining that she wanted to keep Jin from leaving.

Does Claire's baby survive lost?
They return to the Dharma station, but find it abandoned. Before leaving, Claire tells Rousseau her daughter, Alex (Tania Raymonde), helped her and is still alive. Upon returning to the beach, Aaron is well and Claire has recovered all the lost memories from after her abduction by Ethan.

What happens to Claire's baby in Lost?
At Christian Shephard's memorial service, Carole Littleton, who has recovered from her coma, tells Jack she and Christian had a relationship which produced Claire, revealing her to be Jack's half-sister. Eventually, before departing to return to the island, Kate reveals to Carole that Aaron is Claire's son.

Is Jacob real on Lost?
Jacob (Lost) Jacob (Iacob in Latin) is a fictional character of the ABC television series Lost played by Mark Pellegrino. He was first mentioned as the true leader of the Others by Ben Linus and was described as a "great man" that was also "brilliant", "powerful" and "unforgiving".

Why was there a polar bear on Lost?
Polar bears were brought to the Island by the DHARMA Initiative, who kept them in cages at the Hydra station, on Hydra Island. (The World of the Others) According to Pierre Chang, because polar bears possess keen memory and adaptability instincts, they were prime candidates for studies in electromagnetic research.

What happened to Rose and Bernard on Lost?
After time-travelling to 1974, Rose and Bernard lived in peaceful seclusion in a cabin near the beach, refusing to get involved in any kind of conflict. They reemerged briefly to help Desmond before returning to their hut and were some of the last survivors remaining on the island when the series ended.

Why you should watch Lost?
Throughout the show, each person has encounters with others that are also stranded on the island. It shows that the world really is “small.” The show is also a great way to get away from everything. You really feel like you are a part of the show because you learn so much about the characters.

What happened in the end of the series
The final ever scene of Lost is intercut between events on the island and an alternate timeline known as the flashsideways – scenes that replace the flashbacks and flashforwards for the entire final season.
These flashsideways scenes come after Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell), stuck in the 1970s, detonates a hydrogen bomb in the closing moments of season five in an attempt to prevent the hatch from ever being built. The logic is that, should the hatch never be created, Oceanic Flight 815 will never crash on the island. The flashsideways show what would have happened had the plane landed safely in Los Angeles. All season long, viewers see the characters rubbing shoulders with one another in LA, unaware of the events of the past five seasons.

Eventually, these characters are drawn together and they begin to recall their time on the island, which leads to the final scene’s revelation: they are dead in the flashsideways, which are essentially a netherworld the survivors created in order to congregate so they can move on to “whatever comes next” together.

So, to clear up the confusion: in the flashsideways scenes, these characters are dead. But no, they were not dead all along after their plane crashed.

The flashsideways scenes depict an afterlife that the characters constructed for themselves due to the fact that their time on the island – which was completely real from start to end – was the most important part of their respective lives.

The characters present in that final church scene are characters both dead and alive in island time, meaning several characters (including Kate, Sawyer and Claire) went on to live a full life beyond the series finale.

These flashsideways present a purgatory-of-sorts, where these characters come to when they eventually do die whenever that may be. When broken down, it’s a beautiful and reassuring depiction of the afterlife.

The plane crash, the smoke monster, the hatch, the island – it was all real.
Of course, it almost all ended rather differently...

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