Tuesday, January 22, 2019

This Is the Most Expensive Item on Amazon

Sometimes it seems like you can get absolutely anything on Amazon. In this heyday of online shopping, you can be just a few clicks away from a new winter jacket, vacuum cleaner, or even backyard shed. Amazon is notorious for luring people in who were intending to make a single purchase, only to leave them staring in disbelief, hours later, at nearly-empty wallets. After all, these hidden Amazon gems you’ll wish you’d always owned are pretty tempting, no?

But even your most reckless Amazon spending spree probably (or, at least, hopefully!) doesn’t even come close to the price of the most expensive item the site has to offer. Brace yourselves, savvy shoppers: The most you can spend on one item on Amazon is $1,963,655.99.

What’s the magical item that’ll set you back nearly $2 million? Well, it’s technically not actually a single item, it’s 9,000 separate items. It’s a collection of signed NFL memorabilia: football jerseys, helmets, footballs from actual games, and cards. The collection comes with a certificate of authenticity from James Spence Authentication. The site lists the 9,000 artifacts as a single item, and it’s clearly an all-or-nothing purchase. 

Besides that, though, the Amazon product listing is not very descriptive about exactly what you’ll get for that hefty price tag. There’s no list of the individual items, or even any specifications regarding which players the items belonged to. The retailer is Sports Memorabilia, whose name is pretty self-explanatory; they sell lots of football, baseball, basketball, and hockey artifacts, mostly for far more reasonable prices. Even the most passionate football devotees might be better off purchasing their Super Bowl commemorative plaques or authentic helmet replicas.

A word of advice for those still interested in making the purchase: Though Amazon recommends that you “order soon” there is, after all, only one 9,000-item collection of NFL memorabilia in stock—you’re actually probably more likely to get a better deal if you wait. Perhaps because there have been no takers, the price of this collection has lowered significantly in the past few months. In July 2018, Lux Authority reported that it once cost nearly $3.5 million. At the moment, the product description on Amazon says that it was marked down from $2,749,118.39. That’s right; $2 million is a sale price!

And, of course, because the online market is so fluid, who knows if it will remain the most expensive item? Perhaps some even stranger, pricier collection of merchandise will come along and dethrone it. 

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