Saturday, June 9, 2018

15 Signs You Are A Total Foodie

Technically, a foodie is someone who loves to eat. But most foodies agree that it is a very shallow way to define their kind. There are many signs you are a foodie. These signs are subtle yet very distinct in their own way. You cannot classify any person who loves to eat as a foodie. There are many signs that you love food, but that food might be of a particular kind. But you display signs that you are a foodie only when you have wider perspective to eating.
The characteristics of a foodie are that you live to eat. And it is not just that you love food, you are also very knowledgeable about food. Cooking for you is the highest form of art because it involves making food delicious. If you eat whatever is put in front of you, it does not mean that you show signs of being a foodie. It just means that you are not a fussy eater.
The signs you love to eat go much beyond the political and regional boundaries. You might be born in Chinchpokhli, India, but if you have the signs of being a foodie you will be able to name all the different types of French cheese. You do not have any preferences about food and you usually get along best with other foodies.

Here are some infallible signs that you are a total foodie

You are always planning your next meal
While you are enjoying a four coarse gourmet lunch at a restaurant, you are already planning to make 'something nice' for dinner. And 'nice' means nothing short of a full steak with gravy and hashed brows on the sides.

If you are having a bad day, you have already decided to make it up by eating some junk

The quick fix solution for a bad day at work is usually eating the most unhealthy kind of food that you can think of. If you fought with your boss, then you want fried chicken. If you got fired, you want the fried chicken with fried potatoes and a full bottle of cola.

You travel to eat

The concept of a holiday without food is unthinkable for you. You secretly plan your holidays based on the kind of food that is available at the travel destinations.

All your baby photos are with food

When you are foodie, you usually start early. In all your baby photos, you are either eating food or staring at food.

You are an inspired cook who thinks cooking is an art

Most foodies are excellent cooks themselves. However, even if you cannot cook yourself, you have great respect for people who can cook and you are knowledgeable about the culinary arts. In short, you can tell the difference between mozzarella and cheddar cheese.

Even if you cannot cook, you have an opinion about everything you eat

Even if you might not be able to cook very well, you can and do comment on everything that you eat. This might sometimes irritate the people around you.

You are the official Food Recommender of your friend circle

Whenever your friends want to try out a different place to eat, they usually call you. You have obviously tried out all the best eating places in your neighbourhood, your friend's neighbourhood and all the other neighbourhoods in town.

You see or smell something yummy, you can feel hungry immediately

Even if you have just had a large meal, the smell of a melting cheese on a pizza or the aroma of spices from some just grilled kebabs can make you hungry.

You have all your favourite eateries on your speed dial

You are always ready for 'food emergencies'. So, you keep the number of your favourite eateries on speed dial. What if you suddenly feel like having a biriyani or some chop suey.

You try almost anything as long as it is a food

You do not believe in keeping any regrets when it comes to food. You want to try everything so that you do have to look back and think that you could have had a bite of that.

You hate people who are fussy eaters

You hate to go out with people who are picky about food. They are just so 'limited'

Most of your friendships revolve around food

Most of your best friends are foodies just like you. And then you have a group outing where you people discuss food most ardently.

You judge people based on their food preferences

Some people judge people based on their zodiac signs. But you always ask them what is their favourite food? If someone likes Chinese, they are usually the saucy types. And if the like pizza, they are more likely to have a cheesy sense of humour

You get wet dreams about butter or cheese or both

You day dream and fantasise about food to such an extent that you even dream about food at night. You get delicious buttery dreams about biting in a large chunk of pudding or taking the first bite from a crispy pizza.

You have no time for a relationship

That is because you are already married to food. Besides, your significant other would have to be just as much as a foodie as you are and that is thick chance.

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