Monday, February 25, 2019

What is the word for people who uses other people?

Opportunist/parasite/freeloader. Interestingly (some might say), skag also means Heroin. A skag (or skaghead) is a user (of Heroin), but the word spills over to refer to a person who takes advantages of others heedlessly.

What is the word that describes a person who uses other people, generally for personal gain, without anything given in return? Maybe through blatancy or through manipulation. I was using extortionist, but I know that's not correct. To further explain; someone who keeps a relationship only for the benefits it provides.

I would suggest leech:

a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other's resources; parasite.

There's parasite:

A person or thing that takes something from someone or something else and does not do anything to earn it or deserve it

Along the same lines are freeloader, sponge, and mooch:

Freeload: to get or ask for things (such as food, money, or a place to live) from people without paying for them

Sponge: someone who gets something from someone else without doing or paying anything in return

Mooch: to ask for and get things from other people without paying for them or doing anything for them (noun form can be either "mooch" or "moocher")

A parasite:

One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return. (AHD)
or a sponger:

A person who lives off other people by continually taking advantage of their generosity; parasite or scrounger

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